Me Chloé Surprenant
T | 4 3 8 . .8 8 7 . 4 9 4 0
F | 5 1 4 . 6 6 7 . 3 9 2 7
Languages: French | English
Chloé Surprenant is a member of the Quebec Bar and joined Boro Frigon Gordon Jones in 2021. Her practice focuses primarily on criminal law, statutory law and animal law. She accepts private and legal aid mandates.
Since the beginning of her practice, Me Surprenant has defended individuals facing various criminal offences including crimes against the person, impaired driving, property crimes and others.
Me Surprenant has also developed expertise in representing activists. She understands their deep-seated and political motivations, as well as the importance of the cause for which they are campaigning. In 2022, Me Surprenant was awarded the Robert Sacchitelle prize by the Association des avocats de la défense de Montréal in recognition of her exceptional work in the case of the Porgreg pig farm protesters.
She believes it is important for an accused person to understand what is at stake in his or her case and the various stages of the judicial process. She defends her clients' rights and does not hesitate to raise constitutional arguments if their rights have been violated.
Quebec Bar Association | 2022
LL.B., The University of Sherbrooke | 2017
Associations and Professional Activities
Association des Avocats de Défense de Montréal - Laval - Longueuil (AADM)
Association québécoise des avocats et avocates de la défense (AQAAD)
Association des avocats carcéralistes progressistes (AACP)
Association des juristes progressistes (AJP)
Executive member of the Advisory Committee on Women in the Profession (committee of the Quebec Bar).